The girl is apparently on a roll with the "note" thing. I would not count this as a love note from Abby either. And do you think I followed and did what she requested? Oh no, NOT ME! That would just encourage more notes, right? It would have been nice if I could have received a thank you note after she received her "jelly sandwich" however...
I took the kids to my Mom's pool to hopefully wear them out, have a fun filled couple of hours. I was not hoping that the pool would wear these 3 out so thoroughly that I could, perhaps, just maybe, get a nap. Oh no, NOT ME! We did have a really good time, however, and here are a few photos:
My kids are truly "water babies" they live in the pool in the Summertime. Abby and Molly have both taken to swimming like fish to water. Abby is in her second season on a swim team and just loves it. It is such amazing exercise! Molly was a little slow to get started this year, but is now loving her time in the pool. That picture above? That is Molly jumping in the deep end for about the hundredth time that day.
Zach on the other hand? Well, he is getting there, but is still a little unsure of the pool. Notice he is in a float, with floaties on his arms, and a kick board in his hands? I don't think he is quite sure yet about this whole "pool thing". I am sure he will find himself more comfortable as Summer wears on and the pool warms up a bit more!
Well, I hope you all had a great weekend, I know we did...and? I totally got that nap on Saturday...the pool did it's trick, they were worn out little things! :)
Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to < target="_blank" href="http://www.mycharmingkids.net">her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.
A thank you note from your kid...or any kid..? Oh you're killin' me.
Looks like fun, Mandy. Cheers!!
A 1/3 lb bacon cheddar cheese burger with mustard and pickle only along with some homemade fries and a beer for dinner please. Thanks, Jay ;-)
Matt-I know a thank you note is a lot to ask, buy hey, she is on a roll with the note thing...a Mom can hope! :)
Jay-I'll get right on that, would you like a frosty mug for that beer, too?
I wish we had a relative with a pool - looks like FUN! Although the pool we belong to is relatively uncrowded and nice....
I force my kids to write Thank You notes. LOL.
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