When I was living on my own I would enjoy doing much the same thing: lighting candles, drinking wine and just listening and singing along to some of my favorite music. My musical tastes have been inspired by my parents, some very close friends and just my own appreciation.

Now, I have fallen in love with the whole MP3 thing. As I've mentioned I spend a lot of time in my van and pass a great deal of that time with my music. When I tire of talk radio or sports radio I break out the MP3. I think it would surprise some to know what all I have downloaded. I have Jimmy Buffett (of course!), Rascal Flatts, The Black Eye Peas, Trisha Yearwood, The Eagles, Def Leppard, Harry Chapin, the list goes on. I really have a lot of fun with it. I sing at the top of my lungs, belt out dedications (yeah, don't you wish you could hear some of those??) and just have a good 'ol time, just my MP3 and me.

I once read an article in the newspaper that said you could really tell alot about someone by their MP3/IPOD selections. The author said she exchanges with her friends and kids just to get a glimpse into their soul. I find that very interesting. I'd love to hear what some of you have in your MP3. I also challenge anyone to correctly guess 10 songs off my MP3. Think you can do it?
I refuse to get an ipod... Prefer CDs :)
I am so jealous that you've seen Billy Joel & Elton John together! They are two of my favs, particularly Billy Joel. I could listen to his Greatest Hits for days and days.
I agree there is definitely a place for CD's. I have enjoyed many songs I would never have heard had I not had the CD. However, I am telling you right now, once you go IPOD...you never go back...
Besides who says you have to choose??
Elizabeth-thanks for reading my blog! I really like yours, too!!
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