One of the nicest things about taking the kids to the pool is that it slap wears them out. They came back and took a nice nap on Sunday afternoon. It allowed for a very relaxing afternoon for all of us.
Julio then cooked dinner as well (again, I will say I am not getting spoiled, oh no, NOT ME!). He made us a wonderful homemade spaghetti. It was loved by all. The kids were all asleep and peaceful pretty early on Saturday night. It was, again, a nice treat! Hey, when you have 4 kids under the same roof it can get crazy! All in all they get along quite well and allow for some really fun, family times.
Sunday was pretty much a repeat of Saturday, complete with pool, naps and early bedtimes. By Monday morning we were all pretty worn out from the weekend but really dreading our goodbyes. A few more weeks and we'll all be together again, so I will just focus on that for now.
Now...if only we could work on that Georgia Bulldog fan thing that he has going on...any advice on how to deal with that?? Help me out here, folks!
Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to < target="_blank" href="http://www.mycharmingkids.net">her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.
They have these doormats that have one college team on one side and another college team on another and it says "a house divided".
I tried to find a Bulldog/Gamecock one but I couldn't.
Anyway, I'm glad you had a great weekend!
aww...thanks for looking Kim! That would be awesome to have!
I think maybe you should both do something about this Gamecock and Bulldog fandom thing. Let's all just be Razorbacks fans, mmkay? LOL ;-)
What a great weekend!
I love making breakfast. I rarely do, but it's fun to cook. Aside from the headache, I'm glad you had fun. Cheers Mandy!!
Hey! The DAWGS Rock! And Razorbacks??? seriously??? Gag a maggot!!! It was one of the most amazing weekends of my life...a reminder of what is truly important...and one constant wonderful moment after another. I really lack the words to express what a truly magical time I had with you and the kids this week...all I can say is I can't wait till next month!
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