On Friday I decided that I deserved a little treat and decided to head over to Old Navy to see what they might have that I needed. Well, I found the cutest dress, pictured over there <====. I did NOT drive to three different Old Navy stores as I was working to see what other colors the other stores had, oh no NOT ME! I did not buy it in two colors, come home, hop online and seriously consider one MORE! Oh no! I did stop myself. So far. It is saved in my "shopping bag" on the site, along with an adorable long, strapless dress that I cannot stop thinking about. But, alas, my brain kicked in and I have not bought it. Yet.
I also did NOT buy a new dress for Molly, a new outfit for Abby and new bathing suits for Julio and Bethanie. Oh no, NOT ME! I mean this was originally a special treat for me (now you see why I did NOT order the other dress I
My Dad came down on Saturday to help me replace a broken ceramic tile in my kitchen. I have needed to do this for ages and am so glad to have it all done. We did NOT break another tile as we were fixing that one, oh no, not US! Luckily I am a pretty good judge of shapes and noticed the one we broke looked a lot like the piece we had cut off the other tile and low and behold it was, whew, crisis averted. I now have a complete kitchen floor again. Yay!
Well, lastly I guess I am not very good at stirring things up, oh no NOT ME! I received more comments on my last blog post Nanny State than any other post I have written. I have figured out nothing makes you guys feel you need to offer a comment than taking a stand politically. I have to say I love it. Thank you all so very much for all your comments. I appreciate the ones that agree with me and also the ones that have the courage to make their opinions known when they differ with mine. That's what makes this so much fun. I am always interested in hearing what ya'll have to say, even with and especially when you differ with me, who knows, maybe you will change my mind about something!
As a follow up, my good (albeit apparently fake) friend, Jay, posted a terrific post, Suggestions for New Nanny State Rules. If you have not read this post, or are not reading Jay's blog you MUST! He is hilarious, always good for a terrific laugh and even pretty insightful at times. (I am not posting these links and great things about Jay because he has done it several times for me and I feel I owe him, OH NO NOT ME! But, I did figured I better give him a shout out so he will keep thinking of me from time to time!!) Now, YOU! Go! Read his blog! NOW!
Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to < target="_blank" href="http://www.mycharmingkids.net">her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.
Matt-considering safety glasses are one of the things I sell, yes, I was covered! lol
I trust you wore safety glasses while cutting the tile. If not...I shall have to report you. Cheers Mandy!!
Awesome shout-out! That Jay guy is soooo damn cool! haha ;-)
Isn't it great when you find a dress/jeans/shoes/whatever that you just LOVE?? Your smoking/non smoking post was interesting and the comments were good, too.
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