Sunday, November 15, 2009

Sunday, Sunday, Sunday

Ahhh, Sundays. It has always been my favorite day of the week.  We go to church, well, sometimes.  Honestly since having 3 little ones we don't get there quite as often as we'd like, but we are working on it. However, it seems when we do make it Pastor Howell always has a well timed message for us, of course, isn't that the point? A really good minister is quite adept at making his sermon seem as if it were meant for you and that he is speaking right to your very soul. This is what we like about Pastor Howell, he excels in this area, sometimes eerily so! Trust me.

Aside from church, one thing Ed and I have done really well is make Sundays all about our little family, as much as possible. We stay together, eat a Sunday lunch, watch football, nap. I usually get to take a sweet little nap with Molly, have some cuddles with Zach and watch a TV show with Abby. Then as the crazy time of day is upon us (crazy time being 5-7, every. single. day.) I usually will take Zach and then Molly and enjoy a quiet, relaxing, warm bubble bath. We talk quietly, relax and wind down. Ed will then take over as I get the opportunity to luxuriate in a quiet bath with nothing but my bubbles and my book or magazine of choice. It's a great way to end the weekend and reflect on just how fortunate I am to have such a crazy, loving family.

Then it's a casual dinnertime and off to bed for Zach.  Molly usually relaxes with me, plays her Nintendo DS and falls asleep. Abby likes to take her own relaxing bubble bath and then read a few books and watch TV. Ed, of course, winds down with his NFL. I have to say, I love to hear the sound of the game on in the living room. It reminds me of when Ed and I were dating and he still lived in Columbia. We would watch football together every Sunday night knowing that in the morning I would be trekking back down to Summerville to work and wouldn't see him again until Friday afternoon when I made my way back to Columbia or he came to see me.

Well, this is our relaxing Sunday routine. But before you picture birds chirping and angels singing, remember, I did leave out the screaming, arguing and general sibling power struggles that creep up when kids are exhausted and over stimulated. I just choose to leave those out as I reflect about our day. They are just part of what makes the relaxing bubble baths that much more relaxing. Turn the jets on and you can't hear anything but your own thoughts!

Happy Sunday!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those were the days. I would have to say that summer was the best. I am sitting in the doctors office getting good news. Looks like I will be around a while and will get to visit you in the near future.